[I] SignatureFunctionParameter
Represent a function parameter that represent the parameter signature(i.e the type would be the type of the value passed)
Property | Modifier | Type | Description | Inherited from |
entityKind | readonly | "Type" | - | FunctionParameterBase .entityKind |
instantiationParameters? | public | Type [] | - | FunctionParameterBase .instantiationParameters |
isFinished | public | boolean | Reflect if a type has been finished(Decorators have been called). There is multiple reasons a type might not be finished: - a template declaration will not - a template instance that argument that are still template parameters - a template instance that is only partially instantiated(like a templated operation inside a templated interface) | FunctionParameterBase .isFinished |
kind | public | "FunctionParameter" | - | FunctionParameterBase .kind |
mixed | public | false | - | - |
name | public | string | - | FunctionParameterBase .name |
node | public | FunctionParameterNode | - | FunctionParameterBase .node |
optional | public | boolean | - | FunctionParameterBase .optional |
rest | public | boolean | - | FunctionParameterBase .rest |
type | public | Type | - | - |