baseModel? | public | Model | Model this model extends. This represent inheritance. | - | - |
decorators | public | DecoratorApplication [] | - | - | DecoratedType .decorators |
derivedModels | public | Model [] | Direct children. This is the reverse relation of baseModel | - | - |
entityKind | readonly | "Type" | - | - | BaseType .entityKind |
indexer? | public | ModelIndexer | - | - | - |
instantiationParameters? | public | Type [] | - | - | BaseType .instantiationParameters |
isFinished | public | boolean | Reflect if a type has been finished(Decorators have been called). There is multiple reasons a type might not be finished: - a template declaration will not - a template instance that argument that are still template parameters - a template instance that is only partially instantiated(like a templated operation inside a templated interface) | - | BaseType .isFinished |
kind | public | "Model" | - | BaseType .kind | - |
name | public | string | - | - | - |
namespace? | public | Namespace | - | - | - |
node? | public | | ModelStatementNode | ModelExpressionNode | ObjectLiteralNode | IntersectionExpressionNode | - | BaseType .node | - |
properties | public | RekeyableMap <string , ModelProperty > | The properties of the model. Properties are ordered in the order that they appear in source. Properties obtained via model is appear before properties defined in the model body. Properties obtained via ... are inserted where the spread appears in source. Properties inherited via model extends are not included. Use walkPropertiesInherited to enumerate all properties in the inheritance hierarchy. | - | - |
sourceModel? | public | Model | The model that is referenced via model is . | - | - |
sourceModels | public | SourceModel [] | Models that were used to build this model. This include any model referenced in model is , ... or when intersecting models. | - | - |
templateMapper? | public | TypeMapper | - | - | TemplatedTypeBase .templateMapper |
templateNode? | public | Node | - | - | TemplatedTypeBase .templateNode |