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[I] CompilerOptions


config?stringPath to config YAML file used, this is also where the project root should be.
designTimeBuild?booleanWhen true, indicates that a compilation is being performed for live analysis in the language server.
dryRun?booleanRuns emitters but do not write any output. Only runs emitters supporting this functionality
emit?string[]List or path to emitters to use.
ignoreDeprecated?booleanSuppress all deprecated warnings.
linterRuleSet?LinterRuleSetRuleset to enable for linting.
listFiles?booleanList emitted outputs and their paths.
miscOptions?Record<string, unknown>-
noEmit?booleanDo not run emitters. Same as setting emit: [] If both emit and noEmit are set, noEmit takes precedence.
options?Record<string, EmitterOptions>Emitter options. Key value pair where the key must be the emitter name.
outputDir?stringDefault output directory used by emitters. Default ./tsp-output
trace?string[]Trace area to enable.