Renames and re-exports PackageJson
Renames and re-exports formatIdentifier
- IdentifierKind
- ListenerFlow
- ModifierFlags
- NodeFlags
- ResolutionResultFlags
- SemanticTokenKind
- SymbolFlags
- SyntaxKind
- Token
- TokenFlags
- UsageFlags
- AliasStatementNode
- AnyKeywordNode
- ArrayExpressionNode
- ArrayLiteralNode
- ArrayModelType
- ArrayValue
- AugmentDecoratorStatementNode
- BaseNode
- BaseType
- BlockComment
- BooleanLiteral
- BooleanLiteralNode
- BooleanValue
- CallableMessage
- CallExpressionNode
- Checker
- CodeFix
- CodeFixContext
- CompileResult
- CompilerHost
- CompilerLocationContext
- CompilerOptions
- ConstStatementNode
- DeclarationNode
- DecoratedType
- Decorator
- DecoratorApplication
- DecoratorArgument
- DecoratorContext
- DecoratorDeclarationStatementNode
- DecoratorDefinition
- DecoratorExpressionNode
- DecoratorFunction
- DecoratorImplementations
- DecoratorParamDefinition
- DecoratorValidator
- DeprecatedDirective
- DeprecationDetails
- Diagnostic
- DiagnosticCollector
- DiagnosticCreator
- DiagnosticDefinition
- DiagnosticMessages
- DirectiveBase
- DirectiveExpressionNode
- Dirent
- DiscriminatedUnion
- Discriminator
- DocErrorsTagNode
- DocNode
- DocParamTagNode
- DocPropTagNode
- DocReturnsTagNode
- DocTagBaseNode
- DocTemplateTagNode
- DocTextNode
- DocUnknownTagNode
- EmitContext
- EmitFileOptions
- EmptyStatementNode
- EncodeData
- Enum
- EnumMember
- EnumMemberNode
- EnumSpreadMemberNode
- EnumStatementNode
- EnumValue
- ErrorType
- Example
- ExampleOptions
- ExternKeywordNode
- FileLibraryMetadata
- FilePos
- FunctionDeclarationStatementNode
- FunctionParameterBase
- FunctionParameterNode
- FunctionType
- IdentifierContext
- IdentifierNode
- ImportStatementNode
- IndeterminateEntity
- InitProjectContext
- InsertTextCodeFixEdit
- Interface
- InterfaceStatementNode
- IntersectionExpressionNode
- IntrinsicType
- InvalidStatementNode
- JsNamespaceDeclarationNode
- JsSourceFileNode
- LibraryInstance
- LibraryLocationContext
- LineAndCharacter
- LineComment
- LinterDefinition
- LinterResolvedDefinition
- LinterRule
- LinterRuleContext
- LinterRuleDefinition
- LinterRuleSet
- ListOperationOptions
- Logger
- LogInfo
- LogSink
- MemberExpressionNode
- MetaMembersTable
- MixedFunctionParameter
- MixedParameterConstraint
- Model
- ModelExpressionNode
- ModelProperty
- ModelPropertyNode
- ModelSpreadPropertyNode
- ModelStatementNode
- ModuleLibraryMetadata
- MutableSymbolTable
- Namespace
- NamespaceNavigationOptions
- NamespaceStatementNode
- NavigationOptions
- NeverKeywordNode
- NeverType
- NodeLinks
- NullType
- NullValue
- Numeric
- NumericLiteral
- NumericLiteralNode
- NumericValue
- ObjectLiteralNode
- ObjectLiteralPropertyNode
- ObjectLiteralSpreadPropertyNode
- ObjectType
- ObjectValue
- ObjectValuePropertyDescriptor
- Operation
- OperationSignatureDeclarationNode
- OperationSignatureReferenceNode
- OperationStatementNode
- OpExample
- PackageFlags
- PackageJson
- PagingOperation
- PagingProperty
- ParseOptions
- PatternData
- PositionDetail
- ProcessedLog
- Program
- ProjectedNameView
ProjectedProgram- Projection
- ProjectionApplication
- ProjectionArithmeticExpressionNode
- ProjectionBlockExpressionNode
- ProjectionCallExpressionNode
ProjectionDecoratorReferenceExpressionNode- ProjectionEnumMemberSelectorNode
- ProjectionEnumSelectorNode
- ProjectionEqualityExpressionNode
- ProjectionExpressionStatementNode
- ProjectionIfExpressionNode
- ProjectionInterfaceSelectorNode
- ProjectionLambdaExpressionNode
- ProjectionLambdaParameterDeclarationNode
- ProjectionLogicalExpressionNode
- ProjectionMemberExpressionNode
- ProjectionModelExpressionNode
- ProjectionModelPropertyNode
- ProjectionModelPropertySelectorNode
- ProjectionModelSelectorNode
- ProjectionModelSpreadPropertyNode
- ProjectionNode
- ProjectionOperationSelectorNode
- ProjectionParameterDeclarationNode
- ProjectionReferenceNode
- ProjectionRelationalExpressionNode
- ProjectionScalarSelectorNode
ProjectionStatementNode- ProjectionTupleExpressionNode
- ProjectionUnaryExpressionNode
- ProjectionUnionSelectorNode
- ProjectionUnionVariantSelectorNode
- ProjectLocationContext
- Projector
- RecordModelType
- ReplaceTextCodeFixEdit
- ResolutionResult
- ResolveCompilerOptionsOptions
- ResolvedFile
- ResolvedModule
- ResolveModuleHost
- ResolveModuleOptions
- ReturnExpressionNode
- ReturnRecord
- RmOptions
- Scalar
- ScalarConstructor
- ScalarConstructorNode
- ScalarStatementNode
- ScalarValue
- Scanner
- SemanticToken
- Server
- ServerCustomCapacities
- ServerHost
- ServerInitializeResult
- ServerLog
- ServerSourceFile
- ServerWorkspaceFolder
- Service
- ServiceDetails
- SignatureFunctionParameter
- SourceFile
- SourceLocation
- SourceLocationOptions
- SourceModel
- StateDef
- StringLiteral
- StringLiteralNode
- StringTemplate
- StringTemplateExpressionNode
- StringTemplateHeadNode
- StringTemplateLiteralLikeNode
- StringTemplateMiddleNode
- StringTemplateSpanLiteral
- StringTemplateSpanNode
- StringTemplateSpanValue
- StringTemplateTailNode
- StringValue
- SuppressDirective
- Sym
- SymbolLinks
- SyntheticLocationContext
- TemplateArgumentNode
- TemplateDeclarationNode
- TemplatedTypeBase
- TemplateInstanceTarget
- TemplateParameter
- TemplateParameterDeclarationNode
- TextRange
- Tracer
- TracerOptions
- Tuple
- TupleExpressionNode
- TypeInstantiationMap
- TypeMapper
- TypeNameOptions
- TypeOfExpressionNode
- TypeReferenceNode
- TypeSpecCompletionItem
- TypeSpecLibrary
- TypeSpecLibraryDef
- TypeSpecManifest
- TypeSpecScriptNode
- Union
- UnionExpressionNode
- UnionStatementNode
- UnionVariant
- UnionVariantNode
- UnknownType
- UsageTracker
- UsingStatementNode
- ValueOfExpressionNode
- VisibilityFilter
- VisibilityProvider
- VoidKeywordNode
- VoidType
Type Aliases
- BytesKnownEncoding
CadlCompletionItemCadlLibraryCadlLibraryDefCadlManifestCadlScriptNodeCadlValue- CodeFixEdit
- Comment
- CreateTypeProps
- CustomRequestName
- DateTimeKnownEncoding
- Declaration
- DecoratorArgumentValue
- DiagnosticFormat
- DiagnosticHandler
- DiagnosticMap
- DiagnosticReport
- DiagnosticReportWithoutTarget
- DiagnosticResult
- DiagnosticSeverity
- DiagnosticTarget
- Directive
- DirectiveArgument
- DocContent
- DocTag
- DocToken
- DurationKnownEncoding
- EmitOptionsFor
- EmitterFunc
- Entity
- Expression
- FunctionParameter
InferredCadlValue- InferredTypeSpecValue
- InitProjectConfig
- InitProjectTemplate
- InitProjectTemplateEmitterTemplate
- InitProjectTemplateLibrarySpec
- IntrinsicScalarName
- JSONSchemaType
- LibraryMetadata
- LinterRuleDiagnosticFormat
- LinterRuleDiagnosticReport
- LinterRuleDiagnosticReportWithoutTarget
- LiteralNode
- LiteralType
- LocationContext
- LogLevel
- MarshalledValue
- MemberContainerNode
- MemberContainerType
- MemberNode
- MemberType
- MetaMemberKey
- ModelIndexer
- Modifier
- ModuleResolutionResult
- NeverIndexer
- NewLine
- Node
- NodeCallback
- OperationContainer
- OperationSignature
- ProjectionExpression
- ProjectionStatementItem
- ReferenceExpression
- RuleRef
- ScopeNode
- SemanticNodeListener
- ServerLogLevel
- SourceFileKind
- Statement
- StdTypeName
- StdTypes
- StringTemplateSpan
- StringTemplateToken
- TemplateableNode
- TemplatedType
- TrackableType
- Type
- TypeKind
- TypeListeners
- TypeOfDiagnostics
- TypeOrReturnRecord
- TypeSpecDiagnosticTarget
- TypeSpecValue
- Value
- WriteLine
- altDirectorySeparator
CadlPrettierPlugincadlVersion- directorySeparator
- EmptyVisibilityProvider
- namespace
- NodeHost
- NoTarget
- TypeSpecPrettierPlugin
- typespecVersion
- VisibilityFilter
- $defaultVisibility
- $deprecated
- $discriminator
- $doc
- $encode
- $error
- $errorsDoc
- $example
- $format
- $friendlyName
- $inspectType
- $inspectTypeName
- $invisible
- $key
- $knownValues
- $maxItems
- $maxLength
- $maxValue
- $maxValueExclusive
- $minItems
- $minLength
- $minValue
- $minValueExclusive
- $opExample
- $overload
- $parameterVisibility
- $pattern
- $projectedName
- $removeVisibility
- $returnsDoc
- $returnTypeVisibility
- $secret
- $service
- $summary
- $tag
- $visibility
- $withDefaultKeyVisibility
- $withLifecycleUpdate
- $withOptionalProperties
- $withoutDefaultValues
- $withoutOmittedProperties
- $withPickedProperties
- $withUpdateableProperties
- $withVisibility
- $withVisibilityFilter
- addService
- addVisibilityModifiers
- assertType
cadlTypeToJsoncheckFormatCadl- checkFormatTypeSpec
- clearVisibilityModifiersForClass
- compile
- compilerAssert
createCadlLibrary- createChecker
createDecoratorDefinition- createDiagnosticCollector
- createProjectedNameProgram
- createRekeyableMap
- createRule
- createScanner
- createServer
- createSourceFile
- createTypeSpecLibrary
- defineCodeFix
- defineLinter
- definePackageFlags
- emitFile
- ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator
- explainStringTemplateNotSerializable
- exprIsBareIdentifier
- filterModelProperties
- finishTypeForProgram
- formatDiagnostic
- formatIdentifier
- formatTypeSpec
- getAllTags
- getAnyExtensionFromPath
- getBaseFileName
- getDeprecated
- getDeprecationDetails
- getDirectoryPath
- getDiscriminatedTypes
- getDiscriminatedUnion
- getDiscriminator
- getDoc
- getDocData
- getEffectiveModelType
- getEncode
- getEntityName
- getErrorsDoc
- getErrorsDocData
- getExamples
- getFirstAncestor
- getFormat
- getFriendlyName
- getFullyQualifiedSymbolName
- getIdentifierContext
- getKeyName
- getKnownValues
- getLifecycleVisibilityEnum
- getLocationContext
- getMaxItems
- getMaxItemsAsNumeric
- getMaxLength
- getMaxLengthAsNumeric
- getMaxValue
- getMaxValueAsNumeric
- getMaxValueExclusive
- getMaxValueExclusiveAsNumeric
- getMinItems
- getMinItemsAsNumeric
- getMinLength
- getMinLengthAsNumeric
- getMinValue
- getMinValueAsNumeric
- getMinValueExclusive
- getMinValueExclusiveAsNumeric
- getNamespaceFullName
- getNodeAtPosition
- getNodeAtPositionDetail
- getNormalizedAbsolutePath
- getNormalizedAbsolutePathWithoutRoot
- getNormalizedPathComponents
- getOpExamples
- getOverloadedOperation
- getOverloads
- getOverriddenProperty
- getPagingOperation
getParameterVisibility- getParameterVisibilityFilter
- getParentTemplateNode
- getPathComponents
- getPathFromPathComponents
- getPattern
- getPatternData
- getPositionBeforeTrivia
- getProjectedName
- getProjectedNames
- getProperty
- getPropertyType
- getRelativePathFromDirectory
- getReturnsDoc
- getReturnsDocData
getReturnTypeVisibility- getReturnTypeVisibilityFilter
- getRootLength
- getService
- getSourceFileKindFromExt
- getSourceLocation
- getSummary
- getTags
- getTypeName
getVisibility- getVisibilityForClass
- hasParseError
- hasProjectedName
- hasTrailingDirectorySeparator
- hasVisibility
- ignoreDiagnostics
- interpolatePath
- isAnyDirectorySeparator
- isArrayModelType
isCadlValueTypeOf- isComment
- isDeclaredInNamespace
- isDeclaredType
- isDeprecated
- isErrorModel
- isErrorType
- isGlobalNamespace
- isImportStatement
- isIntrinsicType
- isKey
- isKeyword
- isList
- isModifier
- isNeverType
- isNullType
- isNumeric
- isNumericType
- isPathAbsolute
- isProjectedProgram
- isPunctuation
- isRecordModelType
- isSealed
- isSecret
- isService
- isStatementKeyword
- isStdNamespace
- isStringType
- isTemplateDeclaration
- isTemplateDeclarationOrInstance
- isTemplateInstance
- isTrivia
- isType
- isTypeSpecValueTypeOf
- isUnknownType
- isUrl
- isValue
- isVisible
- isVoidType
- joinPaths
- listOperationsIn
- listServices
- logDiagnostics
- logVerboseTestOutput
- mapEventEmitterToNodeListener
- markDeprecated
- navigateProgram
- navigateType
- navigateTypesInNamespace
- normalizePath
- normalizeSlashes
- Numeric
- paramMessage
- parse
- parseStandaloneTypeReference
- positionInRange
projectProgram- reducePathComponents
- removeTrailingDirectorySeparator
- removeVisibilityModifiers
- reportDeprecated
- resetVisibilityModifiersForClass
- resolveCompilerOptions
- resolveEncodedName
- resolveLinterDefinition
- resolveModule
- resolvePath
- resolveUsages
- scopeNavigationToNamespace
- sealVisibilityModifiers
- sealVisibilityModifiersForProgram
- serializeValueAsJson
setCadlNamespace- setTypeSpecNamespace
- skipContinuousIdentifier
- skipTrivia
- skipTriviaBackward
- skipWhiteSpace
stringTemplateToString- typespecTypeToJson
- validateDecoratorNotOnType
- validateDecoratorParamCount
validateDecoratorParamType- validateDecoratorTarget
validateDecoratorTargetIntrinsic- validateDecoratorUniqueOnNode
- visitChildren
- walkPropertiesInherited