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Cadl to TypeSpec rename completed in March 2023 release

As you may recall from our previous email to partners, we are renaming the product as it becomes more mature, stable and one step closer to release.

With the 2023-03-13 release, We are pleased to announce that we have completed the process of changing the name of our product from Cadl to TypeSpec. This marks another important milestone. The new name better aligns with the functionality and benefits of the product, and we believe it will make it easier for our customers to understand and remember.

We understand that change can be challenging, and we appreciate your patience and support during this process.

Name Changes

  • Packages:

    • NPM package scope:

      • @cadl-lang/[xx] -> @typespec/[xx]
    • Package names

Old Package NameOld NamespaceNew Package NameNew Namespace
@cadl-lang/compilerusing Cadl;@typespec/compilerusing TypeSpec;
@cadl-lang/restusing Cadl.Http;@typespec/http;using Http;
@cadl-lang/restusing Cadl.Rest;@typespec/restusing Rest;
@cadl-lang/openapiusing Cadl.OpenApi;@typespec/openapiusing OpenAPI;
@cadl-lang/openapi3using Cadl.OpenApi3;@typespec/openapi3using OpenAPI3;
  • File extension:

    • .cadl -> .tsp
  • Configuration file:

    • cadl-project.yaml -> tspconfig.yaml
  • CLI

    • npx cadl compile . -> npx tsp compile .
  • Compiler JS APIs

    • All artifacts with *Cadl* in the name have been updated to *TypeSpec*. However, aliases have been created with older *Cadl* name with @deprecated flag.
  • Noteable changes:

    • @cadl-lang/rest was split into two packages, @typespec/rest and @typespec/http
  • Back-compatibility

    • .cadl files are continue be recognized by compiler.
    • cadl-project.yaml is still supported if tspconfig.yaml not found

Migration tool

An experimental migration tool has been introduced to take care of many of the manual migration steps. Just execute following command in your TypeSpec folder.

Terminal window
npx @typespec/migrate

If you would like execute from a different folder or don’t have a package.json that indicates compiler package versions, please see command line options:

Terminal window
npx @typespec/migrate --help

The migration tool will perform following steps:

  • Rename cadl-project.yaml to tspconfig.yaml.
  • Update tspconfig.yaml format to new emit schema if necessary.
  • Rename .cadl files to .tsp.
  • Update import and using statements in any .tsp files
  • Update package.json with new package name and versions.