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Custom Response Models


In this section, we’ll focus on creating custom response models and demonstrate how to use them in your API operations. We’ll also incorporate predefined response models from the TypeSpec HTTP library.

Introduction to Custom Response Models

Custom response models allow you to define structured responses for your API operations. They help ensure consistency and clarity in your API responses. TypeSpec defines response models for common HTTP responses in the HTTP library, which we can incorporate into our custom response models.

Common HTTP Status Codes and TypeSpec Response Models

Here are some common HTTP status codes and their equivalent TypeSpec response models from the TypeSpec HTTP library:

HTTP Status CodeMeaningTypeSpec Response Model
200 OKThe request was successful, and the server returned the requested resource.OkResponse
201 CreatedThe request was successful, and a new resource was created.CreatedResponse
204 No ContentThe request was successful, but there is no content to return.NoContentResponse
400 Bad RequestThe server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.BadRequestResponse
401 UnauthorizedThe client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.UnauthorizedResponse
403 ForbiddenThe client does not have access rights to the content.ForbiddenResponse
404 Not FoundThe server cannot find the requested resource.NotFoundResponse

Benefits of Using Custom Response Models

  • Reducing Duplication: By defining common response structures once, you can reuse them across multiple operations.
  • Improving Readability: Custom response models make your API definitions clearer and easier to understand.
  • Minimizing Errors: Consistent response models help reduce the likelihood of errors in your API responses.

Creating Custom Response Models

Let’s start by defining and extending some custom response models. These models will incorporate existing response models from the TypeSpec HTTP library to ensure consistency.

Example: Defining and Extending Custom Response Models

model PetListResponse {
model PetResponse {
model PetCreatedResponse {
model PetErrorResponse {
model PetNotFoundResponse {
model PetUnauthorizedResponse {
model PetSuccessResponse {
model PetNoContentResponse {

In this example:

  • PetListResponse extends OkResponse and includes a body with an array of Pet objects.
  • PetResponse extends OkResponse and includes a body with a single Pet object.
  • PetCreatedResponse extends CreatedResponse and includes a body with a newly created Pet object.
  • PetErrorResponse extends BadRequestResponse and includes a body with a ValidationError object.
  • PetNotFoundResponse extends NotFoundResponse and includes a body with a NotFoundError object.
  • PetUnauthorizedResponse extends UnauthorizedResponse and includes a body with an UnauthorizedError object.
  • PetSuccessResponse extends OkResponse and includes a body with a success message.
  • PetNoContentResponse extends NoContentResponse for situations where the request succeeded but there is no content to return.

Note: Base response models like OkResponse, CreatedResponse, BadRequestResponse, NotFoundResponse, and UnauthorizedResponse are imported from the TypeSpec HTTP data types library, which we’re importing in our project as @typespec/http.

Using Custom Response Models in Operations

Now that we have defined our custom response models, let’s use them in our API operations.

Example: Applying Custom Response Models to Operations

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
import "@typespec/versioning";
using Http;
using Versioning;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
enum Versions {
v1: "1.0",
v2: "2.0",
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
model Toy {
id: int32;
name: string;
model CommonParameters {
requestID: string;
locale?: string;
clientVersion?: string;
// highlight-start
model PetListResponse {
model PetResponse {
model PetCreatedResponse {
model PetAcceptedResponse {
model PetErrorResponse {
model PetNotFoundResponse {
model PetUnauthorizedResponse {
model PetSuccessResponse {
model PetNoContentResponse {
// highlight-end
namespace Pets {
// highlight-next-line
op listPets(...CommonParameters): PetListResponse;
// highlight-start
op getPet(@path petId: int32, @header ifMatch?: string): PetResponse | PetNotFoundResponse;
// highlight-end
// highlight-start
op createPet(@body pet: Pet):
| PetCreatedResponse
| PetAcceptedResponse
| PetErrorResponse
| PetUnauthorizedResponse;
// highlight-end
// highlight-start
op updatePet(@path petId: int32, @body pet: Pet):
| PetResponse
| PetErrorResponse
| PetUnauthorizedResponse
| PetNotFoundResponse
| InternalServerErrorResponse;
// highlight-end
// highlight-start
op deletePet(@path petId: int32): PetNoContentResponse | PetUnauthorizedResponse;
// highlight-end
namespace Toys {
op listToys(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@body toys: Toy[];
op createToy(@path petId: int32, @body toy: Toy, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 201;
@body newToy: Toy;
op updateToy(@path petId: int32, @path toyId: int32, @body toy: Toy, ...CommonParameters): {
@body updatedToy: Toy;
op deleteToy(@path petId: int32, @path toyId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 204;
model NotFoundError {
code: "NOT_FOUND";
message: string;
model ValidationError {
message: string;
details: string[];
model UnauthorizedError {
message: string;
model InternalServerError {
message: string;
model InternalServerErrorResponse {
@statusCode statusCode: 500;
@body error: InternalServerError;

In this example:

  • The listPets operation uses the PetListResponse custom response model.
  • The getPet operation uses the PetResponse and PetNotFoundResponse custom response models.
  • The createPet operation uses the PetCreatedResponse, PetAcceptedResponse, PetErrorResponse, and PetUnauthorizedResponse custom response models.
  • The updatePet operation uses the PetResponse, PetErrorResponse, PetUnauthorizedResponse, PetNotFoundResponse, and InternalServerErrorResponse custom response models.
  • The deletePet operation uses the PetNoContentResponse and PetUnauthorizedResponse custom response models.

Note that we could also define custom response models for the Toys operations, similar to the Pets operations. But for brevity, we’re omitting them in this example.


In this section, we focused on creating custom response models in your REST API. By defining and extending custom response models, we can reduce duplication, improve readability, and minimize errors in our API responses. We also incorporated existing response models from the TypeSpec HTTP library to ensure consistency and clarity.