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In this section, we’ll focus on implementing versioning in your REST API. Versioning allows you to manage changes to your API over time without breaking existing clients. We’ll introduce the @versioned decorator, show how to define versions with enums, and demonstrate how to use the @added decorator to specify version-specific models and operations.

Adding the Versioning Library

Before we can use the versioning decorators, we need to add the @typespec/versioning library to our project. This involves updating the package.json file and installing the necessary dependencies.

Step 1: Update package.json

Add the @typespec/versioning library to your package.json file, in both the peerDependencies and devDependencies sections. Your updated package.json should look like this:

"name": "typespec-petstore",
"version": "0.1.0",
"type": "module",
"peerDependencies": {
"@typespec/compiler": "latest",
"@typespec/http": "latest",
"@typespec/openapi3": "latest",
// highlight-next-line
"@typespec/versioning": "latest"
"devDependencies": {
"@typespec/compiler": "latest",
"@typespec/http": "latest",
"@typespec/openapi3": "latest",
// highlight-next-line
"@typespec/versioning": "latest"
"private": true

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install the new dependencies:

Terminal window
tsp install

Introduction to the @versioned Decorator

The @versioned decorator is used to define different versions of your API. This decorator allows you to specify the versions that your API supports and manage changes across these versions.

Example: Defining API Versions

Let’s define two versions of our API, v1 and v2:

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
// highlight-next-line
import "@typespec/versioning";
using Http;
// highlight-next-line
using Versioning;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
// highlight-next-line
namespace PetStore;
// highlight-start
enum Versions {
v1: "1.0",
v2: "2.0",
// highlight-end

In this example:

  • We’re importing and using a new module, @typespec/versioning, which provides versioning support.
  • The @versioned decorator is used to define the versions supported by the API, defined in the Versions enum.
  • The Versions enum specifies two versions: v1 (1.0) and v2 (2.0).

Generating OpenAPI Specifications for Different Versions

Once versions are added, the TypeSpec compiler generates individual OpenAPI specifications for each version.

  • main.tsp
  • tspconfig.yaml
  • package.json
  • Directorynode_modules/
  • Directorytsp-output/
    • Directory@typespec/
      • Directoryopenapi3
        • openapi.1.0.yaml
        • openapi.2.0.yaml

Generating separate specs for each version ensures backward compatibility, provides clear documentation for developers to understand differences between versions, and simplifies maintenance by allowing independent updates to each version’s specifications.

By encapsulating different versions of the API within the context of the same TypeSpec project, we can manage all versions in a unified manner. This approach makes it easier to maintain consistency, apply updates, and ensure that all versions are properly documented and aligned with the overall API strategy.

Using the @added Decorator

The @added decorator is used to indicate that a model or operation was added in a specific version of the API. This allows you to manage changes and additions to your API over time.

Example: Adding a New Model in a Specific Version

Let’s add a Toy model that is only available in version 2 of the API:

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
import "@typespec/versioning";
using Http;
using Versioning;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
enum Versions {
v1: "1.0",
v2: "2.0",
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
// highlight-start
model Toy {
id: int32;
name: string;
// highlight-end

In this example:

  • The Toy model is defined with the @added(Versions.v2) decorator to indicate that it was added in version 2 of the API.

Version-Specific Operations

Let’s define version-specific operations to manage toys for pets. These operations will only be available in version 2 of the API.

Example: Adding Version-Specific Operations

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
import "@typespec/versioning";
using Http;
using Versioning;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
enum Versions {
v1: "1.0",
v2: "2.0",
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
model Toy {
id: int32;
name: string;
model CommonParameters {
requestID: string;
locale?: string;
clientVersion?: string;
namespace Pets {
op listPets(...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pets: Pet[];
op getPet(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
op createPet(@body pet: Pet, ...CommonParameters):
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 201;
@body newPet: Pet;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 202;
@body acceptedPet: Pet;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
op updatePet(@path petId: int32, @body pet: Pet, ...CommonParameters):
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body updatedPet: Pet;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 500;
@body error: InternalServerError;
op deletePet(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 204;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
// highlight-start
namespace Toys {
op listToys(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body toys: Toy[];
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
op createToy(@path petId: int32, @body toy: Toy, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 201;
@body newToy: Toy;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
op updateToy(@path petId: int32, @path toyId: int32, @body toy: Toy, ...CommonParameters):
| {
@body updatedToy: Toy;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
op deleteToy(@path petId: int32, @path toyId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 204;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 401;
@body error: UnauthorizedError;
// highlight-end
model NotFoundError {
code: "NOT_FOUND";
message: string;
model ValidationError {
message: string;
details: string[];
model UnauthorizedError {
message: string;
model InternalServerError {
message: string;
model InternalServerErrorResponse {
@statusCode statusCode: 500;
@body error: InternalServerError;

In this example:

  • The Toys namespace is defined under the Pets namespace.
  • The @added(Versions.v2) decorator is applied to the operations within the Toys namespace to indicate that they were added in version 2 of the API.
  • The Toys namespace includes operations to list, create, update, and delete toys for a specific pet. These operations are only available in version 2 of the API.


In the next section, we’ll dive into creating custom response models for your REST API.