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Common Parameters


In this section, we’ll focus on reusing common parameters in your REST API. Common parameters are parameters that are used across multiple operations. By defining these parameters once and reusing them, we can make our API more consistent, easier to read, and easier to maintain.

Creating a Common Parameters Model

Let’s start by defining a model for common parameters. This model will include parameters that will be used across all Pet Store operations.

Example: Defining Common Parameters

For the sake of demonstration, we’re going to require each API call in our Pet Store service to include a request ID, a locale, and a client version. Let’s define a model for these common parameters, which we’ll label requestID, locale, and clientVersion:

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
using Http;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
// highlight-start
model CommonParameters {
requestID: string;
locale?: string;
clientVersion?: string;
// highlight-end

In this example:

  • The @header decorator is used to indicate that requestID and clientVersion are header parameters.
  • The @query decorator is used to indicate that locale is a query parameter.

Reusing Common Parameters Across Multiple Operations

Now that we have defined our common parameters model, let’s reuse it across multiple operations in our API.

Example: Reusing Common Parameters in Operations

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
using Http;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
model CommonParameters {
requestID: string;
locale?: string;
clientVersion?: string;
namespace Pets {
// highlight-next-line
op listPets(...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pets: Pet[];
// highlight-next-line
op getPet(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
// highlight-next-line
op createPet(@body pet: Pet, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 201;
@body newPet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 202;
@body acceptedPet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
// highlight-next-line
op updatePet(@path petId: int32, @body pet: Pet, ...CommonParameters):
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body updatedPet: Pet;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 500;
@body error: InternalServerError;
// highlight-next-line
op deletePet(@path petId: int32, ...CommonParameters): {
@statusCode statusCode: 204;
model NotFoundError {
code: "NOT_FOUND";
message: string;
model ValidationError {
message: string;
details: string[];
model InternalServerError {
message: string;

In this example:

  • The CommonParameters model is reused across multiple operations using the spread operator (...), which tells the TypeSpec compiler to expand the model definition inline.
  • This approach ensures that the common parameters are consistently applied to all relevant operations, making the API more maintainable and reducing redundancy.

Example: OpenAPI Specification for Common Parameters

Let’s take a closer look at how the common parameters model with the spread operator is represented in the generated OpenAPI specification by looking at the deletePet operation:

#### Generated OpenAPI Specification:
operationId: Pets_deletePet
- name: petId
in: path
required: true
type: integer
format: int32
// highlight-start
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/CommonParameters.requestID"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/CommonParameters.locale"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/CommonParameters.clientVersion"
// highlight-end
description: "There is no content to send for this request, but the headers may be useful."
description: "Not Found"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/NotFoundError"
// highlight-start
name: client-version
in: header
required: false
type: string
name: locale
in: query
required: false
type: string
name: request-id
in: header
required: true
type: string
// highlight-end
type: object
type: string
example: "NOT_FOUND"
type: string

In this example:

  • Parameters Section: The deletePet operation includes the petId path parameter and the common parameters (requestID, locale, and clientVersion). The common parameters are referenced using $ref to ensure they are consistently defined and reused across multiple operations.
  • Components Section: The common parameters are defined under the components section, ensuring they are reusable and maintainable. Each parameter is specified with its name, location (in indicating header or query), whether it is required, and its schema.


  1. Consistency: Ensures that common parameters are applied consistently across all relevant operations.
  2. Maintainability: Changes to common parameters need to be made only once in the CommonParameters model, reducing redundancy and potential errors.
  3. Clarity: The generated OpenAPI specification clearly shows which parameters are required for each operation, improving the documentation and usability of the API.


In this section, we focused on reusing common parameters in your REST API. By defining a common parameters model and reusing it across multiple operations, we can make our API more consistent, easier to read, and easier to maintain.

Next, we’ll learn how to add authentication to our REST API.