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Handling Errors


In this section, we’ll focus on handling errors in your REST API. We’ll define error models and demonstrate how to add them as possible responses to your CRUD operations.

Why Use Error Models?

Using error models instead of raw status codes offers several advantages:

  1. Consistency: Error models ensure that error responses are consistent across your API. This makes it easier for clients to handle errors predictably.
  2. Clarity: Error models provide clear, structured information about the error, including error codes, messages, and additional details. This helps developers understand what went wrong and how to fix it.
  3. Extensibility: Error models can be extended to include additional information, such as error details, validation issues, or links to documentation. This makes it easier to provide comprehensive error information.
  4. Documentation: Error models improve the generated API documentation by clearly defining the structure of error responses. This helps API consumers understand the possible error responses and how to handle them.
  5. Type Safety: In strongly-typed languages, using error models can provide type safety, ensuring that error responses conform to the expected structure.

Defining Error Models

Error models can be used to represent different types of errors that your API might return. Let’s start by defining some common error models.

Example: Defining Common Error Models

We’ll define models to represent validation errors, not-found errors, and internal server errors:

Try it
import "@typespec/http";
using Http;
@service(#{ title: "Pet Store" })
@server("", "Single server endpoint")
namespace PetStore;
model Pet {
id: int32;
name: string;
age: int32;
kind: petType;
enum petType {
dog: "dog",
cat: "cat",
fish: "fish",
bird: "bird",
reptile: "reptile",
namespace Pets {
op listPets(): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pets: Pet[];
op getPet(@path petId: int32): {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body pet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
// highlight-next-line
@body error: NotFoundError;
op createPet(@body pet: Pet): {
@statusCode statusCode: 201;
@body newPet: Pet;
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 202;
@body acceptedPet: Pet;
// highlight-start
} | {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
// highlight-end
op updatePet(@path petId: int32, @body pet: Pet):
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 200;
@body updatedPet: Pet;
// highlight-start
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 400;
@body error: ValidationError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 404;
@body error: NotFoundError;
| {
@statusCode statusCode: 500;
@body error: InternalServerError;
// highlight-end
op deletePet(@path petId: int32): {
@statusCode statusCode: 204;
// highlight-start
model NotFoundError {
code: "NOT_FOUND";
message: string;
model ValidationError {
message: string;
details: string[];
model InternalServerError {
message: string;
// highlight-end

In this example:

  • The NotFoundError, ValidationError, and InternalServerError models are defined to represent different types of errors.
  • The @error decorator is used to indicate that these models represent error responses.
  • The Pet Store operations are updated to return the appropriate error models when the service can’t perform the requested operation.


In this section, we focused on defining error handling in your REST API. We introduced error models and demonstrated how to represent different operation response scenarios in TypeSpec.

In the next section, we’ll dive into reusing common parameters in your REST API.