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TypeSpec decorators are implemented as JavaScript functions. The process of creating a decorator can be divided into two parts:

  1. Declare the decorator signature in TypeSpec (optional but recommended)
  2. Implement the decorator in JavaScript

Declare the decorator signature

While this step is optional, it offers significant benefits:

  • It enables type checking for the parameters
  • It provides IDE IntelliSense

You can declare a decorator signature using the dec keyword. Since we’re implementing the decorator in JavaScript (the only option currently), we need to use the extern modifier as well.

extern dec logType(target: unknown, name: string);

Specifying the decorator target

The first parameter of the decorator represents the TypeSpec type(s) that the decorator can be applied to.

You can specify multiple potential target types using a union expression.

using TypeSpec.Reflection;
extern dec track(target: Model | Enum);

Optional parameters

You can mark a decorator parameter as optional using ?.

extern dec track(target: Model | Enum, name?: valueof string);

Rest parameters

You can prefix the last parameter of a decorator with ... to collect all the remaining arguments. The type of this parameter must be an array expression.

extern dec track(target: Model | Enum, ...names: valueof string[]);

Value parameters

A decorator parameter can receive values by using the valueof operator. For example the parameter valueof string expects a string value. Values are provided to the decorator implementation according the decorator parameter marshalling rules.

extern dec tag(target: unknown, value: valueof string);
// error: string is not a value
// ok, a string literal can be a value
// ok, passing a value from a const
const tagName: string = "widgets";

JavaScript decorator implementation

Decorators can be implemented in JavaScript in 2 ways:

  1. Prefixing the function name with $. e.g export function $doc(target, name) {...} Great to get started/play with decorators
  2. Exporting all decorators for your library using $decorators variable. Recommended
export const $decorators = {
// Namespace
"MyOrg.MyLib": {
doc: docDecoratorFn,

A decorator implementation takes the following parameters:

  • 1: context of type DecoratorContext
  • 2: target The TypeSpec type target. (Namespace, Interface, etc.)
  • 3+: Any arguments of the decorators.
import type { DecoratorContext, Type } from "@typespec/compiler";
export function $logType(context: DecoratorContext, target: Type, name: string) {
console.log(name + ": " + target.kind);

Or in JavaScript:

export function $logType(context, target, name) {
console.log(name + ": " + target.kind);

The decorator can then be used like this:

import "./model.js";
@logType("Dog type")
model Dog {
@logType("Name type")
name: string;

Decorator parameter marshalling

When decorators are passed types, the type is passed as-is. When a decorator is passed a TypeSpec value, the decorator receives a JavaScript value with a type that is appropriate for representing that value.

TypeSpec value typeMarshalled type in JS
numericNumeric or number (see below)
enum memberEnumMemberValue

When marshalling numeric values, either the Numeric wrapper type is used, or a number is passed directly, depending on whether the value can be represented as a JavaScript number without precision loss. In particular, the types numeric, integer, decimal, float, int64, uint64, and decimal128 are marshalled as a Numeric type. All other numeric types are marshalled as number.

When marshalling custom scalar subtypes, the marshalling behavior of the known supertype is used. For example, a scalar customScalar extends numeric will marshal as a Numeric, regardless of any value constraints that might be present.

Legacy value marshalling

With legacy value marshalling, TypeSpec strings, numbers, and booleans values are always marshalled as JS values. All other values are marshalled as their corresponding type. For example, null is marshalled as NullType.

TypeSpec Value TypeMarshalled value in JS

Note that with legacy marshalling, because JavaScript numbers have limited range and precision, it is possible to define values in TypeSpec that cannot be accurately represented in JavaScript.

String templates and marshalling

If a decorator parameter type is valueof string, a string template passed to it will also be marshalled as a string. The TypeSpec type system will already validate the string template can be serialized as a string.

extern dec doc(target: unknown, name: valueof string);
alias world = "world!";
@doc("Hello ${world} ") // receive: "Hello world!"
@doc("Hello ${123} ") // receive: "Hello 123"
@doc("Hello ${true} ") // receive: "Hello true"
model Bar {}
@doc("Hello ${Bar} ") // not called error
^ String template cannot be serialized as a string.

Typescript type Reference

TypeSpec Parameter TypeTypeScript types
valueof stringstring
valueof numericnumber
valueof booleanboolean
stringStringLiteral | TemplateLiteral | Scalar

Adding metadata with decorators

Decorators can be used to register some metadata. For this, you can use the context.program.stateMap or context.program.stateSet to insert data that will be tied to the current execution.

❌ Do not save the data in a global variable.

import type { DecoratorContext, Type } from "@typespec/compiler";
import type { StateKeys } from "./lib.js";
// Create a unique key
const key = StateKeys.customName;
export function $customName(context: DecoratorContext, target: Type, name: string) {
// Keep a mapping between the target and a value.
context.program.stateMap(key).set(target, name);
// Keep an index of a type.
export const $lib = createTypeSpecLibrary({
// ...
state: {
customName: { description: "State for the @customName decorator" },
export const StateKeys = $lib.stateKeys;

Reporting diagnostic on decorator or arguments

The decorator context provides the decoratorTarget and getArgumentTarget helpers.

import type { DecoratorContext, Type } from "@typespec/compiler";
import type { reportDiagnostic } from "./lib.js";
export function $customName(context: DecoratorContext, target: Type, name: string) {
code: "custom-name-invalid",
target: context.decoratorTarget, // Get location of @customName decorator in TypeSpec document.
code: "bad-name",
target: context.getArgumentTarget(0), // Get location of {name} argument in TypeSpec document.

Linking declaration and implementation

Decorator signatures are linked to the implementation of the same name in the same namespace.

import "./lib.js";
extern dec customName(target: Type, name: StringLiteral);
namespace MyLib {
extern dec tableName(target: Type, name: StringLiteral);

This is linked to the following in lib.js:

export function $customName(context: DecoratorContext, name: string) {}
export function $tableName(context: DecoratorContext, name: string) {}
setTypeSpecNamespace("MyLib", $tableName);


Extern declaration must have an implementation in JS file

Potential issues:

  • The JS function is not prefixed with $. For a decorator called @decorate, the JS function must be called $decorate.
  • The JS function is not in the same namespace as the extern dec.
  • Is the error only showing in the IDE? Try restarting the TypeSpec server or the IDE.

You can use --trace bind.js.decorator to log debug information about decorator loading in the JS file, which should help identify the issue.