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[V] $lib

const $lib: TypeSpecLibrary<{
duplicate-header: {
default: CallableMessage<["header"]>;
empty-enum: {
default: "Empty enums are not supported for OpenAPI v3 - enums must have at least one value.";
empty-union: {
default: "Empty unions are not supported for OpenAPI v3 - enums must have at least one value.";
enum-unique-type: {
default: "Enums are not supported unless all options are literals of the same type.";
inconsistent-shared-route-request-visibility: {
default: "All operations with `@sharedRoutes` must have the same `@requestVisibility`.";
inline-cycle: {
default: CallableMessage<["type"]>;
invalid-component-fixed-field-key: {
default: CallableMessage<["value"]>;
invalid-format: {
default: CallableMessage<["value", "paramType"]>;
invalid-model-property: {
default: CallableMessage<["type"]>;
invalid-schema: {
default: CallableMessage<["type"]>;
invalid-server-variable: {
default: CallableMessage<["propName"]>;
invalid-style: {
default: CallableMessage<["style", "paramType"]>;
oneof-union: {
default: "@oneOf decorator can only be used on a union or a model property which type is a union.";
path-query: {
default: "OpenAPI does not allow paths containing a query string.";
path-reserved-expansion: {
default: "Reserved expansion of path parameter with '+' operator #{allowReserved: true} is not supported in OpenAPI3.";
resource-namespace: {
default: "Resource goes on namespace";
status-code-in-default-response: {
default: "a default response should not have an explicit status code";
union-null: {
default: "Cannot have a union containing only null types.";
unsupported-auth: {
default: CallableMessage<["authType"]>;
unsupported-status-code-range: {
default: CallableMessage<["start", "end"]>;
xml-attribute-invalid-property-type: {
default: CallableMessage<["name"]>;
xml-unwrapped-invalid-property-type: {
default: CallableMessage<["name"]>;
}, OpenAPI3EmitterOptions>;