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[I] Sym


declarationsreadonlyreadonly Node[]Nodes which contribute to this declaration, present if SymbolFlags.Declaration is set.
exports?readonlySymbolTableExternally visible symbols contained inside this symbol. E.g. all declarations in a namespace, or members of an enum.
id?readonlynumberA unique identifier for this symbol. Used to look up the symbol links.
members?readonlySymbolTableSymbols for members of this symbol which must be referenced off the parent symbol and cannot be referenced by other means (i.e. by unqualified lookup of the symbol name).
metatypeMembers?readonlySymbolTableSymbol table
namereadonlystringThe name of the symbol
nodereadonlyNodeNode which resulted in this symbol, present if SymbolFlags.Declaration is not set.
parent?readonlySymThe symbol containing this symbol, if any. E.g. for things declared in a namespace, this refers to the namespace.
symbolSource?readonlySymFor using symbols, this is the used symbol.
type?readonlyTypeFor late-bound symbols, this is the type referenced by the symbol.
value?readonly(…args: any[]) => anyFor decorator and function symbols, this is the JS function implementation.