[I] OperationStatementNode
Property | Modifier | Type | Description | Overrides | Inherited from |
_id? | public | number | Unique id across the process used to look up NodeLinks | - | BaseNode ._id |
decorators | readonly | readonly DecoratorExpressionNode [] | - | - | - |
directives? | readonly | readonly DirectiveExpressionNode [] | - | - | BaseNode .directives |
docs? | readonly | readonly DocNode [] | - | - | BaseNode .docs |
end | readonly | number | The ending position measured in UTF-16 code units from the start of the full string. Exclusive. | - | BaseNode .end |
flags | readonly | NodeFlags | - | - | BaseNode .flags |
id | readonly | IdentifierNode | - | - | DeclarationNode .id |
kind | readonly | OperationStatement | - | BaseNode .kind | - |
locals? | readonly | SymbolTable | - | - | TemplateDeclarationNode .locals |
parent? | readonly | | TypeSpecScriptNode | NamespaceStatementNode | InterfaceStatementNode | - | BaseNode .parent | - |
pos | readonly | number | The starting position of the ranger measured in UTF-16 code units from the start of the full string. Inclusive. | - | BaseNode .pos |
signature | readonly | OperationSignature | - | - | - |
symbol | readonly | Sym | Could be undefined but making this optional creates a lot of noise. In practice, you will likely only access symbol in cases where you know the node has a symbol. | - | BaseNode .symbol |
templateParameters | readonly | readonly TemplateParameterDeclarationNode [] | - | - | TemplateDeclarationNode .templateParameters |
templateParametersRange | readonly | TextRange | - | - | TemplateDeclarationNode .templateParametersRange |