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TypeSpec for OpenAPI Developer

This guide introduces TypeSpec using concepts familiar to developers who build or use API definitions in OpenAPI v2 or v3.

In many cases, this will also describe how the typespec-autorest and openapi3 emitters translate TypeSpec designs into OpenAPI.

The document is organized around the features of an OpenAPI v2 or v3 definition. The idea is that if you know how to describe some API feature in OpenAPI, you can just navigate to the section of this document for that feature.

Data Types

In OpenAPI v2/v3, data types are specified using the type and format fields in a schema.

The TypeSpec equivalents of OpenAPI data types are the TypeSpec primitive types or built-in models.

type and format

The following table shows how common OpenAPI types map to TypeSpec types:

type:format:TypeSpec typeNotes
stringbytebytesfor content-type == ‘application/json’ or ‘text/plain’
stringbinarybytesfor “binary” content types, e.g. ‘application/octet-stream’, ‘image/jpeg’
stringdate-timeutcDateTimeRFC 3339 date in coordinated universal time (UTC)
stringdate-timeoffsetDateTimeRFC 3339 date with offset
stringpassword@secret string

You can also define a property with no type specified using the TypeSpec unknown type.

model Example {
/** This property has no `type` defined. */
noType?: unknown;

OpenAPI allows any string as a format, and there is a registry of common formats. TypeSpec supports some of these directly.

type:format:TypeSpec typeNotes

For formats that are not supported directly, you can use the built-in @format decorator to specify the format explicitly.

JSON Schema assertions

OpenAPI supports a variety of “assertions” that can be used to further restrict the values allowed for a data type. These are actually borrowed into OpenAPI from JSON Schema.

For type: integer and type: number data types:

OpenAPI/JSON Schema keywordTypeSpec constructNotes
minimum: value@minValue(value) decorator
maximum: value@maxValue(value) decorator

For type: string data types:

OpenAPI/JSON Schema keywordTypeSpec constructNotes
minLength: value@minLength(value) decorator
maxLength: value@maxLength(value) decorator
pattern: regex@pattern(regex) decorator

For type: array data types:

OpenAPI/JSON Schema keywordTypeSpec constructNotes
minItems: value@minItems(value) decorator
maxItems: value@maxItems(value) decorator


There are two ways to define an enum data type in TypeSpec. One is with the TypeSpec enum statement, e.g.:

enum Color {

Another is to use the union operation to define the enum values inline, e.g.:

model Example {
size?: "small" | "medium" | "large" | "x-large";


A model property that specifies a default value using ”=” will produce a default field in the schema for this property.

model Example {
answer?: int32 = 42;
color?: string = "purple";


type: integer
format: int32
default: 42
type: string
default: purple

Host / BasePath / Servers

In OpenAPI v2, the host and basePath fields at the top-level of the API definition combine to form the base URL for the API. The paths defined in the paths object are appended to this base URL to form the absolute URL for an operation.

In OpenAPI v3, the top-level servers field specifies an array of server objects [v3] with a base URL, which may be parameterized, to which the operation path is appended.

In TypeSpec, the host in OpenAPI v2 or servers in OpenAPI v3 can be specified with the @server decorator on the namespace (from @typespec/http library). You can use this decorator multiple times to specify multiple servers.

Paths Object

In OpenAPI, the paths object [v2, v3] is the top-level structure for defining the operations of the API, organized by the “path” for the operation.

In TypeSpec, you can specify the path for a namespace, interface, or operation using the @route decorator.

When the value of the @route decorator contains path parameters, operations within the scope of the decorator must declare parameters with the same name and type. If an operation declares a path parameter that is not present in the route, this defines a new path that is the value from the @route decorator with the path parameter appended.

namespace Pets {
op create(@body pet: Pet): Pet; // uses path "/pets"
op read(@path petId: int32): Pet; // uses path "/pets/{petId}"

When the @route decorator is used within a namespace or interface that also has a @route decorator, the path is obtained by concatenating the routes.

namespace Widgets {
// widgets operations
namespace Parts {
op list(@path id: string): Part[] | Error; // uses path "/widgets/{id}/parts"

Path Item Object

In OpenAPI, a path item object [v2, v3] describes the operations available on a single path. A path may have at most one get, put, post, patch, delete, or head operation.

In TypeSpec, operations are defined within a namespace or interface with a syntax similar to typescript functions. The HTTP method for an operation can be specified explicitly using a decorator: @get, @put, @post, @patch, @delete, or @head. If an HTTP method decorator is not specified then the default is post if there is a body and get otherwise.

namespace Gadgets {
op create(@body gadget: Gadget): Gadget | Error; // uses "post" method
op read(@path id: string): Gadget | Error; // uses "get" method

Other path item fields:

OpenAPI pathItem fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
summaryNot currently supported.
descriptionNot currently supported.
parametersNot currently supported.

Operation Object

In OpenAPI, an operation object [v2, v3] describes an operation.

The fields in an OpenAPI operation object are specified with the following TypeSpec constructs:

OpenAPI operation fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
tags@tag decorator
summary@summary decorator
description@doc decorator or doc comment
externalDocs@externalDocs decorator
operationIdoperation name or @operationId decorator
parametersop parameter listsee Parameter Object
requestBodyparameter with @body decoratorsee Request Body Object
responsesop return type(s)see Responses Object
callbacksNot currently supported.
deprecated#deprecated directive
securitysee Security Schemes Object.
servers@server decoratorCan be specified multiple times.


Tags can be specified using the @tag decorator on an operation. The @tag decorator can also be used on a namespace or interface to specify tags for all operations within the namespace or interface. Tags are additive, so tags specified on an operation are added to the tags specified on the namespace or interface. The @tag decorator can be used multiple times to specify multiple tags on an operation, namespace, or interface.


Use the @doc decorator to specify a description for an operation. The value of the @doc decorator can be a multi-line string and can contain markdown formatting.

Get status info for the service.
The status includes the current version of the service.
The status value may be one of:
- `ok`: the service is operating normally
- `degraded`: the service is operating in a degraded state
- `down`: the service is not operating
op status(): string;

You can also use a “doc comment” to specify the description for an operation. A doc comment is a comment that begins with /**. Doc comments may be spread across multiple lines and may contain markdown formatting.

* Get health info for the service.
* The health includes the current version of the service.
* The health value may be one of:
* - `ok`: the service is operating normally
* - `degraded`: the service is operating in a degraded state
* - `down`: the service is not operating
op health(): string;

See documentation doc for more information.


You can specify the operationId for an operation using the @operationId decorator. When the @operationId decorator is not specified, the operationId is generated from the operation name. For an operation defined in the top-level namespace, the operationId is the just operation name. If the operation is defined within a inner namespace or interface, then the operationId is prefixed with the name of the innermost namespace or interface name.

Note: this approach will generally produce unique operationIds, as required by OpenAPI, but it is possible to create duplicate operationIds.

Parameter Object

In OpenAPI, a parameter object [v2, v3] describes a single operation parameter.

The following fields of a parameter object are common to both OpenAPI v2 and v3:

OpenAPI parameter fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
nameparameter name
indecorator@query, @path, @header, @body
description/** */ or @doc decorator
requiredfrom parameter “optionality”a ”?” following the parameter name indicates it is optional (required: false), otherwise it is required (required: true)
allowEmptyValueNot supported, this field is NOT RECOMMENDED in OpenAPI.

OpenAPI v2

The following fields of a parameter object are specific to OpenAPI v2:

OpenAPI v2 parameter fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
typeparameter typesee Data Types
collectionFormaturi template in @route or expode, style

Collection Formats

In OpenAPI v2, the collectionFormat field of a query or header parameter object specifies how multiple values are delimited. You can use the format field of the @query or @header decorator to specify the collection format.

op read(
@query csv?: string[], // equivalent to collectionFormat: csv
@query(#{ explode: false }) csvExplicit?: string[], // equivalent to collectionFormat: csv
@query(#{ explode: true }) multi?: string[], // equivalent to collectionFormat: csv
): Widget | Error;

OpenAPI v3

The following fields of a parameter object are specific to OpenAPI v3:

OpenAPI v3 parameter fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
styleformat parameter on @query or @header
explodeformat parameter on @query or @header
schemaparameter schemasee Schema Object
deprecated#deprecated directive.
exampleNot currently supported.
examplesNot currently supported.
contentNot currently supported.

Request Body Object (OAS3)

In OpenAPI v3, the operation request body is defined with a Request Body object rather than as a parameter.

An OpenAPI v3 Request Body object corresponds to a TypeSpec op parameter with the @body decorator.

OpenAPI requestBody fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
description@doc decorator
requiredparameter “optionality”a ”?” following the parameter name indicates it is optional (required: false), otherwise it is required (required: true)
content@body parameter type

The media type of the request body is specified with a content-type header. If content-type has multiple values then content will have one entry for each value.

@put op uploadImage(@header contentType: "image/png", @body image: bytes): void;
@post op analyze(
@header contentType: "application/octet-stream" | "application/pdf" | "image/jpeg",
@body image: bytes,
): string | Error;

To get multiple content entries with different schemas (say one structured and one binary), you need to define two separate operations that share the same path and method. You do with with the @sharedRoute decorator.

namespace Process {
op process(...Widget): Widget | Error;
model CsvBody {
@header contentType: "text/csv";
@body _: string;
op process2(...CsvBody): Widget | Error;

Responses Object

In OpenAPI, the responses object [v2, v3] specifies the possible responses for an operation. The responses object maps a HTTP response code to the expected response.

In TypeSpec, operation responses are defined by the return types of the op. The status code for a response can be specified as a property in the return type with the @statusCode decorator. The value of the property with the @statusCode decorator should be an HTTP status code or union of status codes. When the value is a union of status codes, a response is generated for each status code in the union.

If a return type does not contain a statusCode, the default is 200 except for void which defaults to 204.

To get the default response, specify the @error decorator on the return type model.

@get op read(@path id: string): Widget; // has "200" response
@delete op delete(@path id: string): void; // has "204" response
// has "200" and "201" response
@put op create(@body widget: Widget): {
@statusCode _: "200" | "201";
@body body: Widget;
// has "200" and "default" response
@post op update(@body widget: Widget): Widget | Error;

The TypeSpec.Http package also defines several standard response types.

HTTP Status CodeTypeSpec construct

You can intersect these standard response types with your own response types.

// has "200", '409', and "default" responses
@post op update(@body widget: Widget): Widget | (ConflictResponse & Error) | Error;

Response Object

In OpenAPI, a response object [v2, v3] describes a single response for an operation. The structure of the response object changed significantly from OpenAPI v2 to OpenAPI v3, but there are many elements common to both.

The fields in an OpenAPI response object are specified with the following TypeSpec constructs:

OpenAPI response fieldTypeSpec constructNotes
description@doc decorator
headersfields in the return type with @header decoratorrequired or optional based on optionality of field
schema (OAS2)return type or type of `@body“ property
content (OAS3)return type or type of `@body“ property
examples (OAS3)Not currently supported.
links (OAS3)Not currently supported.
@get op read(@path id: string): {
/** the widget */
widget: Widget;
@header xRateLimitRemaining: int32;
@header xRateLimitReset: int32;

The media type of the request body is specified with a content-type header. If content-type has multiple values then content will have one entry for each value.

To get multiple content entries with different schemas, use a union type.

@tag("Response Content")
namespace ResponseContent {
@get op read(@path id: string): Widget | {
@header contentType: "text/html";
@body _: string;
} | {
@header contentType: "image/jpeg";
@body _: bytes;

Schema Object

OpenAPI schemas are represented in TypeSpec by models. Models have any number of members and can extend and be composed with other models.

Models can be defined with the model statement and then referenced by name, which generally results in a $ref to a schema for the model in the definitions or components.schemas section of the OpenAPI document.

TypeSpec supports the “spread” operator (...), which copies the members of the source model into the target model. But TypeSpec processes all spread transformations before emitters are invoked, so this form of reuse is not represented in the emitted OpenAPI.

The spread operation is useful if you want one or more properties to be present in several different models but in a standard fashion. For example:

model Legs {
/** number of legs */
legs: int32;
model Dog {
name: string;
model Cat {
name: string;
model Snake {
name: string;
// snakes have no legs


You can generate a schema with additionalProperties with the TypeSpec Record construct.

bar: Record<unknown>;

is produced as

type: object
additionalProperties: {}

To get a schema having both properties and additionalProperties, define a model that extends Record<unknown>.

model Bar extends Record<unknown> {
bar?: string;


type: object
type: string
additionalProperties: {}

To define a schema with additionalProperties that has a specific type, use the Record construct with a type parameter.

bar: Record<string>;

results in

type: object
type: string

allOf and polymorphism using allOf

TypeSpec supports single inheritance of models with the extends keyword. This construct can be used to produce an allOf with a single element (the parent schema) in OpenAPI. For example:

model Pet {
name: string;
model Cat extends Pet {
meow: int32;
model Dog extends Pet {
bark: string;

TypeSpec does not currently provide a means to produce an allOf with more than one element — these are generally treated as “composition” in code generators and thus better represented in TypeSpec with the spread operator.

Models with a @discriminator decorator can be extended to produce polymorphic schemas in either OpenAPI v2 or v3 using allOf. This schema produced for the base model will be defined with a discriminator property and schemas for the child models will allOf the base schema and add additional properties.

For example:

model Pet {
name: string;
weight?: float32;
model Cat extends Pet {
kind: "cat";
meow?: int32;
model Dog extends Pet {
kind: "dog";
bark?: string;


type: object
type: string
- cat
type: integer
format: int32
- kind
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
type: object
type: string
- dog
type: string
- kind
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
type: object
type: string
description: Discriminator property for Pet.
type: string
type: number
format: float
propertyName: kind
cat: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
dog: "#/components/schemas/Dog"
- name

Polymorphism using anyOf and oneOf (OAS3)

Polymorphism can also be represented in OpenAPI v3 with anyOf or oneOf constructs. These can be represented in TypeSpec with a union type.

union Pet {
cat: Cat,
dog: Dog,
model Cat {
meow?: int32;
model Dog {
bark?: string;

generates a Pet schema with anyOf.

- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dog"

The openapi emitter uses anyOf by default because the schemas may not be mutually exclusive. But the @oneOf decorator of the OpenAPI library can be used to force the use of oneOf instead.

import "@typespec/openapi3";
using OpenAPI;
union Pet {
cat: Cat,
dog: Dog,


- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dog"

To make Pet a discriminated union, add the @discriminator decorator and add the discriminator property with a string literal value to each of the child schemas.

union Pet {
cat: Cat,
dog: Dog,
model Cat {
kind: "cat";
meow?: int32;
model Dog {
kind: "dog";
bark?: string;

results in the following schema for Pet:

- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dog"
propertyName: kind
cat: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
dog: "#/components/schemas/Dog"

definitions / components

OpenAPI supports reuse of schemas, parameters, responses, and other elements with the definitions (OAS2) or components (OAS3) section of an OpenAPI definition.

Referencing a model by name (not with “spread”), as an op parameter or return type or as the type of a property in another model, generally results in a $ref to a schema for the model in the definitions or components.schemas section of the OpenAPI document.

Reusable parameters can be defined as members of a model and then incorporated into an operation parameter list using the spread operator. For example:

model PetId {
@path petId: int32;
namespace Pets {
op read(...PetId): Pet | Error;

results in a $ref to the named parameter PetId in either parameters or components.parameters.

Info Object

In OpenAPI, the info object [v2, v3] contains metadata about the API such as a title, description, license, and version.

In TypeSpec this information is specified with decorators on the namespace.

OpenAPI info fieldTypeSpec decoratorNotes
title@service(#{title: }TypeSpec built-in decorator
description@docTypeSpec built-in decorator
/** The Contoso Widget Service provides access to the Contoso Widget API. */
@service(#{ title: "Widget Service" })
contact: {
name: "API Support",
email: "",
license: {
name: "Apache 2.0",
url: "",
namespace DemoService;

Consumes / Produces (OAS2)

In OpenAPI v2, the top-level consumes and produces fields specify a list of MIME types an operation can consume / produce when not overridden by a consumes or produces on an individual operation.

The typespec-autorest emitter previously supported @produces and @consumes decorators on a namespace, but these are deprecated in favor of explicit content-type and accept header properties in request and response bodies.

securityDefinitions / securitySchemes Object

Use the @useAuth decorator from the `@typespec/rest” library

using Http;
@useAuth(OAuth2Auth<["read", "write"]>)
namespace MyService;

Specification Extensions

You can add arbitrary specification extensions (“x-” properties) to a model or an operation with the @extension decorator. For example:

namespace Pets {
@extension("x-streaming-operation", true) op read(...PetId): Pet | Error;

OpenAPI decorators that map directly to an object in the openapi document also allow to provide extension.


@tagMetadata("my-tag", #{
description: "My tag",
`x-custom`: "custom value",
  • @info
version: 1.1.0,
`x-custom`: "custom value",