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0.59 - August 2024


This release contains deprecations breaking changes

Breaking Changes


  • #4050 Fix issue where naming a namespace with the same name as the blockless namespace would merge with it instead of creating a subnamespace like any other name would.

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject;

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea {
    model A {}

    namespace MyArea2 {
    model B {}

    Previously model A would end-up in namespace MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea and model B in MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea2. With this change model A will now be in MyOrg.MyProject.MyOrg.MyProject.MyArea. To achieve the previous behavior the above code should be written as:

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject;

    namespace MyArea {
    model A {}

    namespace MyArea2 {
    model B {}


  • #3558 Updates @extension decorator to support TypeSpec values in addition to types.

In previous versions of the json-schema emitter, the @extension decorator only accepted types as the value. These are emitted as JSON schemas. In order to add extensions as raw values, types had to be wrapped in the Json<> template when being passed to the @extension decorator.

This change allows setting TypeSpec values (introduced in TypeSpec 0.57.0) directly instead.

The following example demonstrates using values directly:

@extension("x-example", #{ foo: "bar" })
model Foo {}

This change results in scalars being treated as values instead of types. This will result in the @extension decorator emitting raw values for scalar types instead of JSON schema. To preserve the previous behavior, use typeof when passing in a scalar value.

The following example demonstrates how to pass a scalar value that emits a JSON schema:

@extension("x-example", "foo")
model Foo {}

To preserve this same behavior, the above example can be updated to the following:

@extension("x-example", typeof "foo")
model Foo {}



  • #3932 API deprecation: HttpOperation#pathSegments is deprecated. Use HttpOperation#uriTemplate instead.

  • #3932 Deprecated @query({format: }) option. Use @query(#{explode: true}) instead of form or multi format. Previously csv/simple is the default now. Decorator is also expecting an object value now instead of a model. A deprecation warning with a codefix will help migrating.

    - @query({format: "form"}) select: string[];
    + @query(#{explode: true}) select: string[];



  • #3906 Support completion for template parameter extending model or object value


    model User<T extends {name: string;age: int16}> {}
    alias user = User<{
    : [age] | [name];
  • #4020 Add support for encoding numeric types as string

  • #4023 Warn when using \ in config file field that expect a path.

  • #3932 Add ArrayEncoding enum to define simple serialization of arrays


  • #4046 API: Expose properties: HttpProperty[] on operation parameter and response which reference all the properties of interest(Body, statusCode, contentType, implicitBodyProperty, etc.)

  • #3932 @route can now take a uri template as defined by RFC-6570

    @route("files{+path}") download(path: string): void;


  • #3932 Add support for URI templates in routes


  • #3894 Add support for @useRef on responses
  • #4020 Add support for encoding numeric types as string
  • #3890 @extension used on the service namespace will set extension at the root of the document
  • #3932 Add support for URI templates in routes

Bug Fixes


  • #3881 Fixes a bug where ending a non-terminal line in a multi-line comment with a backslash caused the next star to show up in the parsed doc string.

  • #4050 Allow using compact namespace form Foo.Bar when inside another namespace

    namespace MyOrg.MyProject {
    namespace MyModule.MySubmodule { // <-- this used to emit an error
    // ...

  • #3898 Fix decimal numeric with leading zeros

  • #4046 Fix type comparison of literal and scalar when in projection context

  • #4022 tsp compile --watch will not stop when a crash happens during compilation

  • #3933 Add const template parameter to get the precise lib type


  • #3909 Fix HttpPart not respecting explicit part name by always using the property name
  • #3933 Fix some diagnostic not showing the right message


  • #3911 Allow spreading a model that has props added in previous version
  • #3951 Fixes issue where spreading a versioned model as a parameter to an incompatible versioned operation would cause the compiler to crash.


  • #4046 Fix issue where operation example would produce an empty object when @body/@bodyRoot was used
  • #4046 Fix operation response body examples showing up for each response.
  • #3912 Fixes bug where union documentation was being applied to each union member in emitted output.
  • #3908 Fixes bug where circular references in unions caused an empty object to be emitted instead of a ref.


  • #3933 Fix some diagnostic not showing the right message