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Install Node.js 20 LTS and ensure you can run the npm command in a command prompt:

npm --version

We recommend using npm 7+. To update npm, run npm install -g npm

Install tsp

The first step is to install tsp, the TypeSpec compiler/CLI.

npm install -g @typespec/compiler

Install the VS and VSCode extensions

TypeSpec provides extension for the following editors:

Create a new TypeSpec project

Run the following command in a clean directory to create a new TypeSpec project.

tsp init

This will prompt you with a few questions. Pick the Generic REST API template, your project name, and select the @typespec/openapi3 library.

Next, you can install the dependencies.

tsp install

You should now have a basic TypeSpec project setup with a structure looking like this:

package.json      # Package manifest defining your TypeSpec project as a Node package.
tspconfig.yaml # TypeSpec project configuration letting you configure emitters, emitter options, compiler options, etc.
main.tsp # TypeSpec entrypoint

Compile project

tsp compile .