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Release Notes December 2022 (2022-12-07)


This release contains breaking changes

New features

Decorator signature help

With the decorator signature extern dec added in previous release and the doc comment support added in this version the IDE is able to provide a signature help for decorators

Illustration showing signature help in VS Code

New scalar type


This is a breaking change see details here

This release introduce a new scalar type meant to represent what were previously models with no properties actually representing an scalar value.

scalar uuid extends string;

Emitter options interpolation and standardization

Emitter options are not able to interpolate other values. See details

output-dir: {cwd}/generated
emitter-output-dir: {output-dir}/openapi3

Breaking changes

TypeSpec Api Compiler Moved TypeSpec intrinsic types to a new Type scalar

A new type has been introduced to TypeSpec in order to differentiate scalar from structured models types. Those new types can be declared using scalar and can extend another scalar using extends.

Change to TypeSpec intrinsic models

All of TypeSpec intrinsic models have been updated to be scalar types instead of model. In most cases this shouldn't affect a spec but if you are defining a custom model that is one of the intrinsic types you'll have to update it


model MyStr is string;


scalar MyStr extends string;
Migration script

The following script can be used to automatically migrate previous usages.

npx @typespec/migrate

Change to Compiler API


  • getIntrinsicModelName: Check it is a std type with program.checker.isStdType(type) and then use the otherwise look for type.baseScalar
  • isIntrinsic: Check it is a std type with program.checker.isStdType(type) or just remove the check if goal was to omit intrinsic types from models.


  1. Add a new switch to handle the new scalar type
  2. To resolve a scalar type, check if its a std type using program.checker.isStdType(type)
  3. If yes, do the same behavior has before with getIntrinsicModelName
  4. If not, call scalar.baseScalar and repeat step 2.

API - Change to onEmit signature

The signature of onEmit has been updated to accommodate for changes to the emitter options


export function $onEmit(program: Program, options: MyEmitterOptions);


export function $onEmit(context: EmitContext);

Access properties

options["output-dir"]context.emitterOutputDir See details

[TypeSpec] [Api] Emitter option output-dir renamed to emitter-output-dir

The option has been renamed for all emitters as emitter-output-dir is now managed in the compiler Before

output-dir: /path/to-output-dir


emitter-output-dir: {output-dir}/for-this-emitter
# ^ can now reference the common output-dir

Change to api


export function $onEmit(program: Program, options: MyEmitterOptions) {
const outputDir = options["output-dir"];


export function $onEmit(context: EmitContext) {
const outputDir = context.emitterOutputDir;

API > @typespec/compiler Multiple services per typespec specs are now allowed making a service accessor obsolete.

The following functions have been deprecated

export function getServiceTitle(program: Program): string;
export function getServiceVersion(program: Program): string;
export function getServiceNamespace(program: Program): Namespace;
export function getServiceNamespaceString(program: Program): string | undefined;
export function setServiceNamespace(program: Program, namespace: Namespace);

and replaced with

export interface ServiceDetails {
title?: string;
version?: string;
export interface Service extends ServiceDetails {
type: Namespace;

export function listServices(program: Program): Service[];
export function getService(program: Program, namespace: Namespace): Service | undefined;
export function isService(program: Program, namespace: Namespace): boolean;

export function addService(program: Program, type: Namespace, details?: ServiceDetails);

Other changes to the service resolution:

  • Title won't be defaulted to (title)
  • Version won't be defaulted to 0000-00-00
  • Service namespace won't be defaulted to global namespace
BeforeTo add support for multi serviceF
getServiceNamespace(program)listServices(program) to get all services
getServiceNamespaceString(program)getNamespaceName(service.type) is where service is getService(program, serviceNamespace)
getServiceTitle(program)service.title where service is getService(program, serviceNamespace)
getServiceVersion(program)service.version where service is getService(program, serviceNamespace)

TypeSpec Directives can no longer be placed in certain contexts.

For example, this is no longer valid:

model M<
#suppress example
> {}

And will now result in an error "Cannot place directive on template parameter".

Move such directives up to the nearest statement, interface operation, model property, operation parameter, union variant, or enum member.

For the above example, that would be:

#suppress example
model M<T> {}



Deprecated items will be removed in 2 release cycle.

TypeSpec > @typespec/rest - @segmentSeparator is deprecated. The @actionSeparator decorator should be used instead.


namespace Things {
op customAction1(
thingId: string,
): string;


namespace Things {
op customAction1(
thingId: string,
): string;

TypeSpec Deprecated uri being replaced by url


model Server {
endpoint: uri;


model Server {
endpoint: url;

Config - Deprecated emitters property in the tspconfig.yaml

The emitters property of the configuration file has been deprecated and replaced by 2 new properties making it consistent with the CLI


output-file: openapi3.json
other-emitter: true


- "@typespec/openapi3"
- "other-emitter"
output-file: openapi3.json