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Release Notes Version 0.56 - May 2024


This release contains breaking changes

Breaking Changes


  • #2945 Empty model after removing metadata and applying visibility always results in "void" This means the following case have changed from returning {} to no body

    op b1(): {};
    op b2(): {
    @visibility("none") prop: string;
    op b3(): {
    @added(Versions.v2) prop: string;

    Workaround: Use explicit @body

    op b1(): {
    @body _: {};
    op b2(): {
    @body _: {
    @visibility("none") prop: string;
    op b3(): {
    @body _: {
    @added(Versions.v2) prop: string;
  • #2945 Implicit status code always 200 except if response is explicitly void

    op c1(): {
    @header foo: string;
    }; // status code 200 (used to be 204)

    Solution: Add explicit @statusCode

    op c1(): {
    @header foo: string;
    @statusCode _: 204;
    op c1(): {
    @header foo: string;
    }; // or spread common model
  • #2945 @body means this is the body

    This change makes using @body mean this is the exact body and everything underneath will be included, including metadata properties. If metadata properties are present on the body, a warning will be logged.

    op a1(): {@body _: {@header foo: string, other: string} };
    ^ warning header in a body, it will not be included as a header.

    Use @bodyRoot if you want to only change where to resolve the body from.

    op a1(): {
    @bodyRoot _: {
    @header foo: string;
    other: string;
  • #2945 Properties are not automatically omitted if everything was removed from metadata or visibility

    op d1(): {
    headers: {
    @header foo: string;
    }; // body will be {headers: {}}

    Solution: use @bodyIgnore

    op d1(): {
    @bodyIgnore headers: {
    @header foo: string;
    }; // body will be {headers: {}}



  • #3035 getEncode returns the fully qualified enum member name if using a custom enum.
  • #3183 Show template parameters when hovering on an operation template
  • #3191 [API] Add new sourceModels property to model


  • #2945 Add support for new @bodyRoot and @body distinction


  • #2945 Add support for new @bodyRoot and @body distinction


  • #3191 Add sourceModels property to model view

Bug Fixes


  • #3170 --nostdlib flag will now work by only applying to optional standard library types
  • #3212 Fix: augmenting template model property could result in sending invalid argument to decorator
  • #3188 Fix: Do not crash when trying to access member of aliased expressions
  • #3185 Fix tsp init hanging when done due to unclosed connection
  • #3151 IDE: Fix completion of statement keywords
  • #3287 Templated interface extending another templated interface shouldn't run decorator on their operations
  • #3290 Model with an optional property should not satisfy a constraint with that property required. ({foo?: string} cannot be assigned to a constraint of {foo: string})
  • #3163 Fix: Model with spread indexer shouldn't validate explicit properties
  • #3227 Stop running decorators on partially instantiated operations(When interface is instantiated but not the operation)
  • #3180 Fix issue where directives were not parsed to the leaf node in multi-segment Namespace segments.
  • #3243 Fix calling tsp install on windows due to recent NodeJS breaking change to fix vulnerability.
  • #3216 Fix compiler crash when using an invalid is target in an interface operation template
  • #3246 Internals: Use node built-in fetch API that is now stable since node 18.13.0


  • #3196 Fix password flow defining authorizationUrl instead of tokenUrl
  • #3190 Fix @path param mapping when spreading a record in operation parameters
  • #3218 Fix: @path property shouldn't be applicableMetadata if the visibility contains Read


  • #3264 Fix crash when @service appears inside a versioned namespace


  • #3218 Fix: @path property should be included in unreachable models