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Release Notes March 2023 (2023-03-13)


This release contains breaking changes

Please see Cadl to TypeSpec rename and migration FAQ

New Features

Add--config option

Enable specifying path to configuration file

Allow escaping identifiers using backticks

Identifiers may contain reserved words or non-standard characters when surrounded with backticks (`), for example:

op `op`(): void;

Correct Order of Application for augment decorators

Augment decorators applied last

Added migration script for specs using Cadl

Migration script available for existing specs, see @typespec/migrate for details

Added public formatIdentifier function

Added public formatIdentifier function.

Visibility defaults to read

Default visibility is configurable, but default to 'read'.

Breaking Changes

Cadl renamed to Typespec

All core cadl packages moved from the @cadl-lang group to the @typespec group

Old Package NameNew Package Name
@cadl-lang/rest@typespec/rest, @typespec/http

rest library split into http and rest libraries

Basic http protocol support is in the http library, support for resources and ReST are in the rest library. The migration tool will correctly update imports in your spec to match the new libraries.

Removed Support for Visual Studio 2019 in Visual Studio IDE extension

You must use a later version of Visual Studio

Removed emitters option in configuration

Use emit and options instead