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Version: Next 🚧


Versioning strategy for packages

TypeSpec is currently in its development phase, and all packages are released with a 0. major version. Each minor version may introduce some breaking changes to the TypeSpec language, library API, or both. These changes are documented here.

Any modification to the main branch is automatically published under the npm @next tag.

Available packages

Core functionality
@typespec/compilerChangelogNpm version
TypeSpec Libraries
@typespec/restChangelogNpm version
@typespec/openapiChangelogNpm version
@typespec/openapi3ChangelogNpm version
@typespec/versioningChangelogNpm version
TypeSpec Tools
@typespec/prettier-plugin-typespecChangelogNpm version
typespec-vsChangelogNpm version
typespec-vscodeChangelogNpm version
tmlanguage-generatorChangelogNpm version

Release cadence

We roll out updates for all packages during the first week of each month.

To preview upcoming changes, you can check the milestones at Milestones are labeled according to the target release month.

Breaking changes migration guides

Release notes describing the breaking changes and how to migrate can be found in this folder: