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TypeSpec comes with a built-in formatter. The formatter can be used in different ways:

  • Via the cli
  • Via the vscode/vs extension
  • As a prettier plugin

Via the cli

Format all TypeSpec files:

tsp format "**/*.tsp"

Check file formatting without modifying them, useful for CI enforcement.

tsp format --check "**/*.tsp"

Via the VSCode or VS extension

When you use the extensions for VS Code or Visual Studio, the tsp formatter becomes automatically accessible.

If you're working within a TypeSpec file, you can format the document using the default keyboard shortcut for formatting, alt+shift+F.

Configuration - Prettier

If a prettier config (.prettierrc.yaml, .prettierrc.json, etc.) is present in the project, the formatter will use the configuration from there. By default this will then use the typespec style guide without any explicit option.


This only affect the formatting, when using tab key to indent it will still use the editor's configuration, so recommend setting one of the configuration below.

Configuration - VSCode

For VSCode to respect the TypeSpec standard style set the following options style

["typespec"]: {
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2,

Configuration - EditorConfig

If using .editorconfig with the editor config extension

indent_size = 2
indent_style = space

Via prettier

The tsp formatter is essentially a prettier plugin. If you already have a prettier configuration set up for other languages, it can be quite handy to simply integrate TypeSpec into this existing pipeline.

In your prettier config file, add:

- "./node_modules/@typespec/prettier-plugin-typespec"
overrides: [{ "files": "*.tsp", "options": { "parser": "typespec" } }]