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Encoding of types

This document describe how the http library interpret TypeSpec built-in types and how to configure


Default behavior:

  • bytes are serialized as base64 when used inside a model serialized as JSON
  • In request or response body it represent a binary payload.

This behavior is only a specification and MUST be respected by the emitter. The http library DOES NOT automatically apply the @encode("base64") when used inside a JSON model.

Use @encode to configure

model Pet {
icon: bytes; // Serialize as base64
@encode(BytesKnownEncoding.base64url) // Serialize as base64url
other: bytes;

op read(): Pet;

op download(): bytes; // Return application/octet-stream
op upload(@body data: bytes): void; // Accept application/octet-stream

utcDatetime and offsetDateTime

Default behavior:

  • Encoded as rfc7231 when used in a header
  • Encoded as rfc3339 otherwise.

This behavior is only a specification and MUST be respected by the emitter. The http library DOES NOT automatically apply the @encode("rfc7231") on utcDatetime and offsetDateTime when used in a header.

Use @encode to configure.

TypeSpecExample payload
model User {
// Headers
@header("Created-At") createdAtHeader: utcDateTime;

createdAtHeaderRfc3339Encoding: utcDateTime;

// In Json payload
createdAt: utcDateTime; // rfc3339

updatedAt: offsetDateTime; // rfc3339

createdAtPretty: utcDateTime; // rfc7231

updatedAtPretty: offsetDateTime; // rfc7231

@encode(DateTimeKnownEncoding.unixTimestamp, int32)
createdAtUnix: utcDateTime; // unixTime in seconds
Created-At: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:20:50 GMT
Created-At-Rfc3339: 2022-10-12T07:20:50.52Z
"createdAt": "2022-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-10-25T07:20:50.52+07:00",
"createdAtPretty": "Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:20:50 GMT",
"updatedAtPretty": "Tue, 25 Oct 2022 00:20:50 GMT",
"createdAtUnix": 1493938410


Default behavior:

  • Encoded as ISO8601

Use @encode to configure.

TypeSpecExample payload
model User {
runtime: duration; // ISO8601

@encode(DurationKnownEncoding.seconds, int32)
runtimeInSecondsInt: duration; // in seconds as an int32

@encode(DurationKnownEncoding.seconds, float32)
runtimeInSecondsFloat: duration; // in seconds as a float32
"runtime": "PT5M5S",
"runtimeInSecondsInt": "305",
"runtimeInSecondsFloat": "305.0"

Numeric types ( int64, decimal128, float64, etc.)

By default numeric types are serialized as a JSON number. However for large types like int64 or decimal128 that cannot be represented in certain languages like JavaScript it is recommended to serialize them as string over the wire.

TypeSpecExample payload
model User {
id: int64; // JSON number

idAsString: int64; // JSON string

viaSalar: decimalString;

scalar decimalString extends decimal128;
"id": 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890,
"idAsString": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"viaSalar": "1.3"