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The TypeSpec compiler uses the diagnostic API to report errors and warnings in the specification.

Best practices

  • ❌ Avoid using throw to report errors. Any exceptions thrown in this manner will be perceived as bugs in your library by the user.
  • ✅ Utilize the diagnostic API to report anticipated errors and warnings.
    • ✅ Employ reportDiagnostic in a decorator, $onValidate or $onEmit
    • ❌ Refrain from using reportDiagnostic in an accessor (a function intended to be used in another library or emitter). Refer to the section on collecting diagnostics for more information.

Diagnostic requirements

  • Each diagnostic MUST have a code. The complete code is the library name followed by the declared code. (<lib-name>/<local-code>)
  • Each diagnostic MUST have a severity. It can be error or warning. Errors cannot be suppressed.
  • Each diagnostic MUST have at least one message. Using default as the messageId will make it the default selection.
  • Each diagnostic message MAY have parameters to interpolate information into the message.

How to use

Declare the diagnostics you plan to report

import { createTypeSpecLibrary } from "@typespec/compiler";

// in lib.js
export const $lib = createTypeSpecLibrary({
name: "@typespec/my-lib",
diagnostics: {
// Basic diagnostic with a fixed message
"no-array": {
severity: "error",
messages: {
default: `Array is not allowed in my-lib models.`,

// Parameterized message
"duplicate-route": {
severity: "error",
messages: {
default: paramMessage`Route '${"path"}' is being referenced in 2 different operations.`,

// Multiple messages
"duplicate-name": {
severity: "warning",
messages: {
default: paramMessage`Duplicate type name: '${"value"}'.`,
parameter: paramMessage`Duplicate parameter key: '${"value"}'.`,
} as const);

// Re-export the helper functions to be able to just call them directly.
export const { reportDiagnostic, createDiagnostic };

This will represent three different diagnostics with the full names of:

  • @typespec/my-lib/no-array
  • @typespec/my-lib/duplicate-route
  • @typespec/my-lib/duplicate-name

Report diagnostics

import { reportDiagnostic } from "./lib.js";

// Basic diagnostic with a fixed message
reportDiagnostic(program, {
code: "no-array",
target: diagnosticTarget,

// Parameterized message
reportDiagnostic(program, {
code: "duplicate-route",
format: {path: "/foo"}
target: diagnosticTarget,

// Multiple messages
reportDiagnostic(program, {
code: "duplicate-name",
messageId: "parameter",
format: {value: "$select"},
target: diagnosticTarget,

Collect diagnostics

When attempting to report a diagnostic in an accessor, a good practice is not to report the diagnostic to the program directly, but return a tuple to let the user decide what to do. This prevents duplicate diagnostics emitter if the accessor is called multiple times.

import { createDiagnosticCollector, Diagnostic } from "@typespec/compiler";

function getRoutes(): [Route, readonly Diagnostic] {
const diagnostics = createDiagnosticCollector();
createDiagnostic(program, {
code: "no-array",
target: diagnosticTarget,
const result = diagnostic.pipe(getParameters()); // to pipe diagnostics returned by `getParameters`
return diagnostics.wrap(routes);

or manually

import { Diagnostic } from "@typespec/compiler";

function getRoutes(): [Route, readonly Diagnostic] {
const diagnostics = [];
createDiagnostic(program, {
code: "no-array",
target: diagnosticTarget,
return [routes, diagnostics];