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Version: Latest (0.60.x)

[I] JSONSchemaEmitterOptions


bundleId?stringWhen provided, bundle all the schemas into a single json schema document with schemas under $defs. The provided id is the id of the root document and is also used for the file name.
emitAllModels?booleanWhen true, emit all model declarations to JSON Schema without requiring the Json Schema decorator.
emitAllRefs?booleanWhen true, emit all references as json schema files, even if the referenced type does not have the @jsonSchema decorator or is not within a namespace with the @jsonSchema decorator.
file-type?FileTypeSerialize the schema as either yaml or json. Default yaml, it not specified infer from the output-file extension
int64-strategy?Int64StrategyHow to handle 64 bit integers on the wire. Options are: * string: serialize as a string (widely interoperable) * number: serialize as a number (not widely interoperable)